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  1. NO hate speech/personal attacks.  Trash-talk is okay.  ​Be respectful.

  2. Out the end of each round each team leader will complete a counselor or Jason survey.  These points will only accumulate this season (no deductions).

  3. ANY changes in your team must be acknowledged by the webmaster or your team will forfeit the tournament.  (This helps stops smurfing.)

  4. Match restarts can only be justified if the one of the following happens:  objective items are sidelined; the majority of the match's contestants experience extremely high ping.

  5. NO more than 2 of the same counselor characters is allowed.

  6. ONLY these EXPLOITS are allowed:  spray cancel, quick knives, shift techs.

  7. The following strategies are NOT allowed:  body blocking, counselor trap placements around power boxes, phone boxes, Jason's shack, etc. 

  8. If a team leader cannot be reached within 48 hrs, the entire team forfeits.  

  9. The tournament will be held within the span of a weekend Fri-Sun in December. 

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